Astral Chain: Dodge Mechanic Game

So one of my favorite, if not favorite designers is Takahisa Taura, and one of my favorite studios is PlatinumGames. To me, playing and analyzing a new Plati...

Odin Project: Web Development

After my officer position with SGDA and especially after my senior design project, I felt like I had a lot to learn about anything web development related. I...

FFXV Warpstrike Remake

FFXV’s warpstrike is one of the coolest mobility abilities in my eyes. In order to learn a bit of Unreal Engine, I decided to try to recreate this ability!

FFXIV Ninja Platformer

After playing a bunch of FFXIV, I wanted to try to remake the ebb and flow of the Ninja’s real time spell crafting system as a platformer

FFXIV Potency Design Analysis Pt. 2

While FFXIV might not be unique (systems like MHW’s bloat vs. raw damage are very similar), it does it’s potency system very right. Every job, and every clas...

FFXIV Potency Design Analysis Pt. 1

The following is a long write up I did after getting interested in the potency system from FFXIV. I analyze raw vs. potency values and why I think that FFXIV...


This is a small class-based third-person shooter that helped me learn about multiplayer networking via the PhotonPUN2 tool.

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